Sewage pollution alerts?

At Tidey HQ we’re super pissed off about the amount of sewage being pumped into the sea in the UK. This is really bad for us humans – eColi infections are on the rise, and general ICK-factor is keeping us out of the water. Not to mention the wider damage and devastation that human sewage causes to marine life and eco systems; from contaminates in the food chain to biodiversity loss and unseasonal algae blooms.

We are working on a feature for Tidey that brings the good work of Surfers Against Sewage’s “Safer Seas and Rivers Service” – an app and map that shows sewage spills around the UK to our tide clock. The new Tidey feature displays sewage alerts that are happening at your chosen beach, changing the colour of the Tidey display to alert you of the problem – useful if you’re planning a swim, surf, or sit on the beach, or to charge you up for the next petition / act of civil disobedience / dirty protest you may or may not be planning…

We’re interested to hear your thoughts on it – is this a feature you’d be interested in?

Sewage poll
Selected Value: 0
0 = Not useful … 10 = Very useful!

If you want to get your hands on e a Tidey Tide Slock, visit the Tidey store here.